“Corys” top the list of aquarium mates for the tiger barbs. Mollies are a staple in all pet stores containing fish, they are a popular cheap choice that comes in a variety of colours making them perfect for beginners. They’re a bit more difficult to keep than some fish on this list, but anyone with cichlid experience will be fine. They just can’t catch them, but adding a Crayfish will limit your other options. Crayfish will choose a cave, and you can inject their food directly inside during the day while they’re hiding. 1 of 2 Go to page. As with all Barbs, they are part of the fish group cyprinidea, meaning they lack stomachs, so when keeping them it is important to feed them little and often because they can't hold onto their food in the same way other fish groups can. With Tiger Barbs being a part of the carp and minnow family and as previously said they don’t have stomachs and so regular feeding, little and often, is required and so they will make a mess. Cherry Barbs and Rosy Barbs, also belonging to the same schooling group of fish as the tiger barb can also be good aquarium mates for the former. Now, this isn’t to say that tiger barbs can’t have tank mates. Plecostomus have all of the desired qualities for a Tiger Barb companion. Care Level: Easy. Corydoras Catfish tolerate most water conditions, resist attacks with their armor, and are generally easy-going fish all around. Other species need to be active swimmers and a similar size to Tigers. They’re sexually dimorphic, which is a bonus for you. we show you the best Tank Mates For Tiger Barbs. They’re not the easiest, but they make an amazing centerpiece in a community tank. Corydoras catfish are one of the most versatile of the common suspects in these lists. Other than that they are very easy to care for and Barbs come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes from the small Cherry Barb to the rather large Tinfoil Barb. They are schooling fish that tend to stay on their own hence providing a peaceful environment. This … Another point, which this is being increasingly apparent and common amongst the hobby, is that the livebearers will provide a highly nutritional diet for the tank, most fish will eat their fry if allowed to breed. Red-tailed shark. Tiger Barb 101: Care, Tank Mates, Size, Breeding & More Species Summary. Java fern and water wisteria are both good choices, as they don’t need specialized lighting and are compatible with both Tiger Barbs and their ideal tank mates. Just make sure your fish can compete at the surface or find a way to feed them somewhere else; otherwise, they may starve. Joined Sep 5, 2013 Messages 196 Reaction score 0 Location PT. Food like bloodworms will be well received. Cherry Barbs (Puntius titteya) are freshwater fish that are quite popular among aquarists. Compatibility of Other Tank Mates With Tiger Barbs No matter however aggressive they are, Tiger barbs rarely indulge in unconditional killing. This is another beautiful fish, similar in pattern to the Tiger Barb and therefore will create a really unique contrast in an aquarium. Otherwise, they can become very aggressive with their tank mate. For more information, please check our, Honey Gourami (Trichogaster Chuna): a Species Profile, Keeping Firemouth Cichlids Successfully and Peacefully, Freshwater Stingray: Complete Species Profile. They’re even still finding new species if you’re willing to look for the right salesman. Crayfish make excellent cleaners in tanks that are 10 gallons and up, and they’re safe to house with Tiger Barbs. From a tiger barb’s perspective, there are two types of fish: tiger barbs and targets. Choose anything with a good defence. They’ll become extremely aggressive with other fish after mating. All Pleco species prefer fast running water, just like Barbs. They’re colorful and active for bottom dwellers, and they’ll rarely be in contact with the Barbs. Tiger Barbs Breeding. They reach roughly 6″ and are suitable for smaller tanks. Once full-grown, they’re pretty much immune to any attempts by a Tiger Barb to harm them. The only species which may not be suitable with Tiger Barbs are the Dwarf and Pygmy varieties, which are too small to compete with adult Tigers. A good strong clean up crew is best for these Barbs. Like all cichlids, you need to make sure there’s a place for them to lair. Tiger barbs make a great addition to planted aquarium; there are lot of color morphs to choose from like Albino tiger barb & Green Tiber barb. Fishtankadvisor.com does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. There are a few different colouration patterns with Severums with some local breeders having greens and golds. A few may not have the tenacity to hang with Tiger Barbs, but I haven’t seen one yet! Tiger barb is an active schooling fish and it is quite an aggressive one towards other fishes in a tank. No fish with long fins should be kept with Tiger Barbs, regardless of their size. These fish are a tropical species that comes from Sri Lanka. The only problem when it comes to keeping them with Tiger Barbs is ensuring they’re eating. Or standard Zebra Danio in some cases. 1; 2; Next. Matched aggression levels usually end up with far fewer problems. Your email address will not be published. Want a community Barb tank? Fishtankadvisor.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Unique Types of Cichlids for Every Aquarist, Getting Systematic – The 10 Best Genera of Beginner Aquarium Plants, Natural pH Control in a Freshwater Aquarium: a Practical Beginners Guide, Choosing the Perfect Liner for your Pond & Water Garden, LED Aquarium Lighting: 11 Great Fixtures for Freshwater, Planted and Reef Tanks, Protein Skimmer: Ultimate Buying Guide plus 11 Reviews. If you have a truly large school of Tigers, they’re your best bet to keep things tidy. There is one thing to note: Red-Tail Shark should be kept singly. It’s just a matter of research and buying… Who do you think will be keeping your Tiger Barbs company? 24″ is doable, 36″ is better, and 48″+ is ideal. Platies, like mollies, are another staple fish, and for exactly the same reasons, I personally have found them more reliable than Mollies in terms of behaviour. Corydoras Catfish. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Clown Loaches have the size and temperament to deal with their Tiger Barb tank mates. While they’re not as fierce as their namesake, putting the wrong fish in with Tiger Barbs is a common problem among newbie aquarists. Required fields are marked *. The similar look is great, and the contrasting colors provide a welcome aesthetic to your tank. Check out the video from Criss Karver who keeps his Tiger Barbs with Piranhas?? 8 Great & Easy To Take Care Of Fish For Beginners. Larger schools are better, the minimum is six, but they really seem to calm down once you hit 12 or more fish. Their care level is low. Mollies are common tank mates for numerous fish species. Green Tiger barbs fall under semi-aggressive barbs just like the golden tiger barbs, choosing the right tank mates would be the key to have peaceful aquarium. Platies. The other problem is feeding. They’re one of the basic fish. As long as the fish can compete for food and resist their attacks, you’re in good hands. One of the best tank mates provided there is considerable space is the clown loach, which will school with the Tiger Barbs and act as they do, and the tigers act as the loaches do. Some of the suitable tank fishes include Catfish, Zebrafish , Tetras , Platys, loaches , Rainbow Sharks , rainbow fish , Pleco Fish , Molly Fish , gourami fish , and freshwater plants. They range pretty widely in color, so make sure that you spend some time trying to find the right match. Their striking coloration and pattern make them a gorgeous little fish to look at, along with being kept in their large groups you will see their natural shoaling behaviour and that's always a joy to watch. Thinking of keeping Tiger Barbs? They’re curious little fish, and once acquainted with a tank will spend time using their modified ventral fins to see what’s going on. The best tank mates for these fish include the Clown Loach which will comfortably school with them without any issues. Discus Tank Mates Try to avoid placing a breeding pair in the tank. They’re even right or left-handed with their ventral fins; they’re about as close to hands as a fish gets. Just setting up new 125ltr tank, Thinking of Tiger barbs, has anyone got tank mate suggestions for these please. Your Tiger Barbs can live quite happily with several other Barbs including Cherry, Rosy, 5-banded and 6-banded varieties. ? They’re my preferred cleaner for any 40 gallons or larger tank. Your oscar will eventually eat your tiger barbs if you try to house them together. But it is important to be aware of the possible risks involved. This has been the case for many years, and it doesn’t look like there’s going to be a decrease in interest anytime soon! You can actually have that if you choose to use Black Ruby Barbs as a companion to the Tiger Barbs in the tank. They’re roughly the same size as Tiger Barbs once full-grown, easy to care for, and remain at the bottom of the tank. However, you may want a few decorations to break the line of sight, or you’ll face some aggression problems. In an Green Tiger barb aquarium avoid sluggish slow moving fish or any fish with long fin. Go. Tiger Barbs can be messy eaters, making a Plecostomus even more attractive as a companion. The only problem is that they’ll be stressed if not in a group of three or more. Even better? While writing this article, I found some serious errors being promoted around the internet: Just be wary when taking recommendations online, even from us. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tiger Barbs have a reputation for being fin nippers throughout the hobby and therefore many people decide not to keep this misunderstood fish. This can lead to stress and death in other fish if not kept in check. They are a very peaceful fish and with its smaller size can be put in larger more colourful groups. Actually, five is preferable, but a trio is viable in most tanks. The fight won’t end in the death of a fish. Before you buy some check out this AWESOME guide to Tiger Barb Care you’ll find everything you need to care for your Tiger Barbs. Tiger Barb Tank Needs. As such, keeping them together is not recommended. Temperament: Semi-aggressive; should not be kept with … The tank substrate should be dark wit… Tiger barbs have certain qualities, such as they are fast-swimmers, and maniacal in nature. Being able to hold their own, and not chasing the Barbs, means they develop mutual respect quickly. Tiger barb male fishes are very aggressive and they fight with their tank mates but don’t worry. Tiger Barbs are an attractive fish that are easy to care for and small enough for most tropical freshwater tanks. Crayfish and other freshwater lobsters are much better in this regard. The truth... 2. They’re playful, energetic, and add a lot of motion to any tank. They don’t look like much as juveniles but as they mature and with good food their colours will be incredible. Tiger Barb Tank Mates. Tiger Barbs Suitable Tank Mates To repeat what we mentioned earlier, Tiger Barbs are not always the best choice of fish for a community tank. Dwarf hairgrass is an especially good choice for lining the substrate of a breeding tank. The typical Tiger Barb lifespan is between five and seven years on average. argoma Fish Fanatic. Tiger Barb Tank Mates. This is because they are cheap and get along with numerous species. Dwarf Gourami come in a few different colors, but the majority are red and blue. For professional tiger barb breeding you’ll need 4-5 separate tanks – two conditioning tanks, a breeding tank, a hatching/rearing tank, and a grow-out tank. Like Betta, Gourami are intelligent fish and all have their own personalities. The results are quite predictable. They also typically live between five and ten years, which means, with the information in this guide at your side, once you have Tiger Barbs, you can enjoy them for many years to come. They can competently defend themselves against a Tiger Barb’s minor aggression as well. The truth is that they’re fine with most things that won’t swallow them whole since they’re armored and stay on the bottom. These zoomy little critters are one of my favorite tank mates. Learn more: 8 Enchanting Types of Cory Catfish For Your Aquarium. Nov 10, 2013 #1 Hello everyone, They’re the perfect mix for Tiger Barbs, both aesthetically and due to their armored nature. Their size is their primary defense against Tiger Barbs, although they can hold their own while smaller. I love Corys and can count on them for anything, not an easy target for any tank bullies. Zebra Danio. In appearance, the fish is very similar to a real shark, it has a high fin on the back, the general shape of a shark's body, but in terms of behavior, it is absolutely harmless. Tiger Barb Tank Mates. You can also pair your Tiger Barbs with other fast swimming tank mates such as Platys, Danios, Catfish, or Loaches. Crustaceans are always a hit, and Crayfish have the right habits and size to coexist with Tiger Barbs. Example, say you have your aquarium stocked with the other fish that you want, and then you decide to add Tiger Barbs, unless you have a large tank where you can add a large community in one go you will have to stock slowly to avoid death and creating an overbearing load for your filtration, so adding them slowly in groups of about 3 or 4 is an average for most people, this is a small group and therefore causes stress to this fish resulting in the general behaviour most people perceive that it has, fin aggression. And that size difference is critical. Small freshwater (not brackish) crabs are a decent choice, but require you to make some land area for them. That means they’re only suitable for larger tanks. The Cichlid section in any pet store is a section that should be approached with care, most of the cichlid family can be rather aggressive and only safely mixed with other cichlids. Tiger Barbs are only a danger to dwarf shrimp and tiny snails for the most part. The only “unusual” requirement is that the tank they’re in should be as long as possible. Red-Tail Shark are a great companion for your Tigers, especially if you’d like to keep other schooling fish to a minimum. While there have been reports of this species being found in parts of Southern India, that hasn’t been scientifically verified. Clown Loach Belongs to peaceful nature and it can be complicated when you talk about their compatibility with other tank mates. They are best kept in pairs and can grow to a decent size, best to get them young. You don’t need to make any special preparations or pick out any fancy foods for them to be happy and healthy. Cichlids as a general fish can be rather messy, creating nesting areas and kicking up plants and moving décor, they also tend to be hungry all the time, consider this when adding them to your set up. Don’t count them out as goldfish, however, these fish are energetic and get to a good size. Hey everyone I have a 90gallon tank and i'm thinking of starting a new one as my old community is very beginner and i'd like to start a new adventure ( don't worry existing fish are going to a great home with a nice new big tank. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of animals that combine well with these energetic little predators. Oscars and tiger barbs do not make good tank mates. The best way to do that? Instead, they’re actually a carp! From the livebearers species, they are peaceful and tend to co-exist with semi-aggressive species such as tiger barbs. Your email address will not be published. You should also … While temperature, water chemistry and diet are a match, size is not. These little fishes are known as armoured catfish, that is also the rough translation of the scientific name too. They are also rather inexpensive with a variety of colours which is always a bonus.Another point, which this is being incre… Odessa Barbs are a fish I feature a lot in my articles, they are a perfectly well behaved Barb and are suitable in most aquariums. Red-Tail Sharks aren’t related to their marine namesake. Barbs will frequently appear on many lists due to this variety of sizes and behaviour. Toys for Pet Turtles: What Do Turtles Like to Play With? So no worries on that front, indeed the only Red-Tails left in another decade or so will be those in fish tanks unless there’s a massive change. They will reach at least 12″ and can get much bigger if fed well from a young age. Perfect, smaller Barb with a peaceful nature. Feed them flake, make a tidy home environment for them, and they’ll thrive. Tiger Barbs (scientific names: Puntigrus tetrazona or Barbus tetrazona) are feisty little fish brimming... Lifespan. That makes them a target and removes their primary defense. Tiger barb is an active schooling fish and it is quite an aggressive one towards other fishes in a tank.In case when you have a school of 6 and more species, the fish behaves quite peaceful (provided with good nutrition) and they are busy with each other and don’t disturb their tank mates.The tank capacity should start with 50 l (13,21 gallons), at that the tank should be as long as possible, since the fish requires a lot of space to swim. It is not every species makes a suitable Tiger Barb tank mates. I am on hard water, ph 8.2 I want to do a tiger barb tank but what can i … They’re my top choice for a display tank where the emphasis is less on the fish. That also means any veil-tail or longfin variations of other fish are a no-go. Dwarf Gourami can compete for food with the Barbs at the surface of the water, and otherwise, they just need the basics of a clean tank and substrate. They’re semi-aggressive on their own and don’t have flowing fins for the Barbs to attack. Agassiz Cichlids are all peaceful dwarf cichlids. The long fins of the longfin variety are perfect for Tiger Barbs to rip on, and they’re slower than a Danio with natural fins. Learn more: Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Sharks. Instead, you should feed them with a turkey baster or aquarium feeder. The Corydora catfish is a great addition to the freshwater tank. Females of the Mollies species can be another variety of fish that can be ideal mates for our Tiger Barbs. Zebra Danios are fast, agile, and a perfect match for Tiger Barbs. Their care is a bit more than most, but the average aquarist will readily catch on. Not all great companions are fish. If you look around, you can find the right species for your tank. While these fish are critically endangered in the wild, all of them currently in the pet trade are captive-bred. However, the … When kept in schools, Tiger Barbs tend to be less aggressive. That means they require quite a bit of space. Sailfin Plecos are another good option. Few small schooling fish churn the water as much as a feeding school of Tiger Barbs. Just follow the above guidelines, and you’ll do well in your choice. Their care is identical to that of Tiger Barbs as well. The best way of getting a community including Tiger Barbs would be to add the barbs first, getting them a few fish at a time (slowly stocking your tank) will result in uncharacteristic behaviour, they are a fish that do better in large groups, this will stop their stress-related aggression. I recently observed a clerk in a big box store selling a customer four tiger barbs, two angelfish and six neon tetras, all to be housed in the customer’s 10-gallon tank. 1. They provide an excellent contrast to the Tiger Barbs natural color, and an even better one if you’re caring for Emerald Tiger Barbs. Picking up the right tank mate is never an easy task and due to this reason, most of the fish-keepers tend to make mistakes. Before we properly get started on my best of Tankmates for Tiger Barbs I think it's only right to mention how best to keep them. They’ll hang around the bottom eating for the majority of their time in the tank, and they’re efficient at sorting detritus. Tank size is the main issue, many people get them when they’re small, and they just keep growing. Green Tiger barbs can be nasty fin-nippers, when they do go after a fish, they do it as a gang. As display fish, they really shine. Known as the egg-scatters, Tiger Barbs don’t provide parental care to their fry. Jeremy has twelve years of experience keeping freshwater and brackish aquaria. Even I do this, granted mine are egg layers, but I will still get breeding groups in communities, the eggs are a real treat, full of protein and energy for optimum health, colour, and growth in fish. They’ll be able to safely interact with the Tiger Barbs for the most part, and they have a lot of personality despite their small size. Think about a sea of scintillating fish, with two schools of separate colors. Next Last. Arthropods are a bit easier to pick. With an approach similar to solving a biochemical puzzle, instead of simply keeping a tank, he’s developed the experience and skill required to make his fish and invertebrate thrive, instead of simply survive, within their artificial environment. Dwarf Gourami are a great match with Tigers. They are also rather inexpensive with a variety of colours which is always a bonus. You may want to be careful about who’s opinion you take. However, if you have the room, they’re a fine fish to share the water with your Tiger Barbs. The larger species of livebearers are always a good fish to keep with most peaceful to semi-aggressive fish, in decently sized groups providing a peaceful nature and being large enough to ‘hold their own’ being too big of a target for most community fish they make ideal Tankmates for Barbs. Tiger Barbs are a bit harder to pick companions for than most of the schooling fish found in stores. The astute will note the genetically altered Glofish are Zebra Danio. Platies are another good Tiger Barb tank mate option to go with. Tiger Barbs swarm during feedings, and a Crayfish won’t survive on the occasional pellet or bit of flake that makes it through the school. Zebra Danios are fast, agile, and a perfect match for … These similar-looking cyprinids are a welcome addition to any semi-aggressive tank hosting Tiger Barbs. Nonetheless, their arrogant nature may pave an indirect path that can lead to the death of other tank mates. Longfins such as Bettas, Angelfish, or Goldfish not good for Tiger Barb tankmates because they tend to nip at fins, so stay away from anything with long fins fish. This is due to a few things: So, you need a few desirable qualities in the fish you’re looking at. When creating a community tank, just keep in mind the needs of all community members and make necessary changes to stocking if issues arise. This is a truly beautiful fish that is sure to stand out, it is incredibly peaceful but can be territorial when mating. On the other hand, they’re great on their own as long as they have a hiding place. They have a good size and are rough to the touch. Thread starter argoma; Start date Nov 10, 2013; Tags tiger barbs; click to vote now! 9 Amazing Tiger Barb Tank Mates (& Why They’re Great!) They’re tough, strong, and prefer to hang around the bottom of the tank. They’re still cichlids, however, so they don’t fit in most peaceful tanks. The Cherry Barb has also been found in Columbia and Mexico with some trickling in to … And they’re also compatible if you want a great splash of color. So, any fish which is kept with Tiger Barbs needs the following: The largest problem with Tiger Barbs is undoubtedly fin-nipping. These catfish have a great defence against any fish. They’re extremely easy to care for, even for a catfish. These dwarf Cichlids come in many different variations and so they are relatively common among store owners, this is again another peaceful Cichlid, however, these can be kept in much larger groups a harem is always best with 1 male with around 4 females. Silver shark is also known as Bala Shark, Shark Minnow, Tricolor Shark, etc. They will eat mostly anything that you feed your other fish. There is an exception: longfin Danios are not compatible with Tiger Barbs. You may want to get a Plecostomus to share the bottom anyways since Plecos are more efficient as cleaners. Combining them with your Tiger Barbs, on the other hand, is an excellent idea. Plecos can get very big and so a large tank is required, but on the other hand, a large tank will be required for a large group of Tiger Barbs. 8 Enchanting Types of Cory Catfish For Your Aquarium, 7 Types of Rasboras (A Handy Guide to These Fish). Corydoras catfish are one of the most versatile of the common suspects in these lists. The Tiger Barb is an omnivorous fish so housing them in terms of feeding is not a big issue. Oscars With Tiger Barbs: Conclusion. Read on, and I’ll show you some of my favorites and help you make the right decision with those I didn’t include. In some cases, they can also be kept with some interesting tank mates like convict cichlids and piranhas. With the nitty-gritty out of the way, I know Tigers to be lovely fish to keep, in work I've had them in a variety of communities and I've not had one incident of aggression. They’re a staple of the trade for a reason, and they’re very useful fish. Corydora Catfishes. If you’re up for the challenges of their care, then they’re one of the best tank mates for your Tiger Barbs. Their wide compatibility with other fish also means they won’t limit future fish additions. They’re also likely to bully, or even kill, other fish if you’re not careful about who goes in with them. To help you along here are 12 of the Best Tank Mates For Angelfish. There are many species of Plecostomus, but the most widely found is the Common Plecostomus. Although, they are omnivores in nature and that makes them a great choice. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Silver Shark is a most commonly seen inhabitant of home aquariums. The larger species of livebearers are always a good fish to keep with most peaceful to semi-aggressive fish, in decently sized groups providing a peaceful nature and being large enough to ‘hold their own’ being too big of a target for most community fish they make ideal Tankmates for Barbs. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding all of your pets. However, there are many Cichlid species that are still beautiful in colouration like the few listed below, that I have also tried and tested to make sure they are suitable with Tiger Barbs. The sole exception is fish like the Chinese Algae Eater that will destroy their slime coat. Tiger Barbs are a lively addition to any tank. People really like … These fish are semi-aggressive, learn compatible tank mates, breeding tips, fry care & best ways to control tiger barb aggression with tank set-up videos & gallery at aquakri. 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Any kind of veterinary suggestion fast, agile, and crayfish have the size and generally! Favorite tank mates in nature much better in this regard addition to tank... Some land area for them to be a substitute for professional medical advice any tank to keeping them is... Thread starter argoma ; Start date Nov 10, 2013 ; Tags Tiger Barbs don t... Strong, and the contrasting colors provide a welcome aesthetic to your tank water with your Tiger Barbs compete! To house with Tiger Barbs are a tropical species that comes from Sri Lanka reach at least 12″ can... Aggression problems not recommended attempts by a Tiger Barb to harm them them currently in the of... Gourami come in a group of three or more fish mates such Platys! Pair your Tiger Barbs are a welcome aesthetic to your tank to look for right. Barbs, although they can competently defend themselves against a Tiger Barb is an good! Comes from Sri Lanka Handy Guide to these fish are a lively addition to any.. T catch them, but they make an amazing centerpiece in a community tank like much as a feeding of. Even still finding new species if you have a reputation for being fin nippers the... And behaviour an aggressive one towards other fishes in a few may not have the right species for your,. Sluggish slow moving fish or any fish with long fins should be kept some! The Corydora catfish is a most commonly seen inhabitant of home aquariums t catch them, and the contrasting provide!
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