Error: Twitter did not respond. Super easy to fully grasp. Please leave a comment with your best inspirational quotes or uplifting words of wisdom – – – I’d love to hear your top picks! Your Privacy is Guaranteed. Good Night Quotes. English Proverb. May these quotes inspire you to execute on your dreams so that you make them a reality.. 1., ___123___100 Positive Comments to Utilize when Speaking on Students’ Behavior | unlocktheteacher___123___, Nice post. They hold within them one of the greatest keys to success: positive energy! Thank you and best of luck. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell … Some Great Science Sites just Discovered to Utilize in the Classroom or at Home, 100 Positive Comments to Utilize when Speaking on Students’ Behavior,,, John Flannagan's "Ranger's Apprentice" Series, Thomas Fordham Institute ~Advancing Educational Excellence, Education Week (One of Denise's Favorite Educational Online Resources), Super Flash Cards Recommended by Missa, one of our Readers, "Katie's Farm Adventures" eBook Series Donated to Promoting Literacy, Common Core State Standards "Nuts & Bolts", Professional Development Workshops for Educators, Recommended Books to Read, to Learn, to Inspire, Unlock the Teacher eBooks at Amazon Online, Unlock the Teacher eBooks at Barnes and Noble Online, is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school, exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in theÂ, appears well rested and ready for each day’s activities, shows enthusiasm for classroom activities, shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved, uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way, strives to reach his (or her) full potential, takes responsibility for his (or her) learning, cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students, transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction, is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom, conducts himself (or herself) with maturity, resists the urge to be distracted by other students, is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom, sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation, treats school property and the belongings of others with care and respect, is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others, displays good citizenship by assisting other students, can be depended on to do what he (or she) is asked to do, seeks responsibilities and follows through, is thoughtful in interactions with others, expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing, has found his (or her) voice through poetry writing, can make a logical and persuasive argument, listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting, offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work, accepts the recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate, is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group, takes on various roles in the work group as needed or assigned, shows fairness in distributing group tasks, helps to keep the work group focused and on task, has a keen interest that has been shared with the class, displays and talks about personal items from home when they relate to topics of study, provides background knowledge about topics of particular interest to him (or her), has an impressive understanding and depth of  knowledge about his (or her) interests, seeks additional information independently about classroom topics that pique interest, frequently discusses concepts about which he (or she) has read, has a flair for dramatic reading and acting, enjoys sharing his (or her) musical talent with the class, listens attentively to the responses of others, enhances group discussion through insightful comments, shares personal experiences and opinions with peers, responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework, regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities, remains an active learner throughout the school day, handles disagreements with peers appropriately, treats other students with fairness and  understanding, enjoys conversation with friends during free periods, tackles classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized manner, arrives on time for school (and/or class) every day, works at an appropriate pace, neither too quickly or slowly, completes assignments in the time allotted, sets achievable goals with respect to time, completes make-up work in a timely fashion, consistently completes homework assignments, puts his (or her) best effort into homework assignments, exceeds expectations with the quality of his (or her) work, checks work thoroughly before submitting it, avoids careless errors through attention to detail, uses free minutes of class time constructively. Attitude The student: is … This line always puts a smile on my face because it alludes to the excitement of not knowing what to expect but seeing a possible life-changing outcome. You can still change the thoughts of others by changing your thoughts about yourself. About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. ( Log Out /  your welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. Burdow believes that being able to write using proper English grammar is an important skill (author's last name p.##). The correct execution of ideas does.” Felix Dennis Hey there – I discovered your blog and assumed it would be an excellent idea to check it out. In British English, do the opposite. Positive commants of ordering to our parents, I humbly believe that traditional examination is not the best basis of grading students. If you are someone who has a tendency to shy away from hardship, perhaps you can gain some motivation and perspective from these inspirational challenge quotes. Related: Sales Quotes to Motivate Your Team to Sell More Effectively in 2019, Download My Free E-Book of Motivational Quotes to Live By. Love doesn't make the world go round. My best quotes about business success have been inspired by the world’s best leaders. I used to be seeking this particular info for a long time. In the same way as with an summary it is important to write in plain English, so that your statement is clearly evident. Professional baseball player and coach, Don Zimmer dedicated 65 years to the sport. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. Truly a quote to live by, the American captain of industry, Henry Ford, made this proclamation while reflecting on his life. you can't live without." Need a Bit of Motivation? They remind me of my unwavering determination to become a motivational speaker. I love her adventurous spirit and all or nothing attitude! He is still one of the wealthiest figures of the modern period. (I’d love to expand it, too—please share some of your favourites in the Comments section of this blog post.) ( Log Out /  You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. It will empower and motivate you to take action, create success, and enjoy life – no matter how tough it gets. Remember that true leadership is about striving to become better in all areas of life and empowering everyone around you to become the best versions of themselves. Click here to tweet this quote. When you replace ‘lose’ with ‘learn’ in your vocabulary, the thought of failure becomes less daunting and lets you focus on growth. In this case, I will propose continuous practical work to be the most appropriate means of assessing student. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Use them to stay motivated as you learn how to write a book,  become a better speaker, or set and achieve every SMART Goal on your path to success. Click here to tweet this quote. “If you can’t stop thinking about someone’s update, that’s called ‘status cling.’” – Jessica Park. Many have argued that Charles Dickens is the great English novelist and numerous critics regard Bleak House as the great English novel, but there are so many great Dickens novels.. Author Bio. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or manager, here are 20 leadership quotes to help motivate yourself to peak performance. Extremely useful information specifically the closing part 🙂 I care for such information much. Everyone from Henry David Thoreau and George Carlin to Jerry Seinfeld and your regular old Joe Shmoe has something to say about the English language. May we continue to seek knowledge in all things, Tagged as classroom, Communication, Creative writing, Education, Educators, Group work, K through 12, Michigan, Student. Article Name. Click here to tweet this quote. – Gandhi. Thus, by the end the student finish his studies, the teacher would have accumulated enough data to grade his level of proficiency. Here's to your success! *** "Love can make you do things that you never thought possible". This report card is a reflection of ________'s attitude in school. inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quotes. Judith Viorst. You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. It reminds us to apply what we learn and take action toward success, rather than waiting and hoping. When it comes to success quotes by famous people, Winston Churchill’s inspirational words of wisdom always make the list. Summary. Below are many inspirational quotes from successful individuals that focus on all the good things that can be achieved through hard work and effective cooperation within a team. Challenge quotes about life, love and work. Enjoy! Execution is defined as the carrying out of a plan, order, or course of action. I believe this is one of the best quotes to live by because it reminds me to think without limits and never doubt my wildest thoughts. Here's a list of 25 quotes about the humorous, ironic, subtle and downright confusing aspects of this multi-continental... #english #language #quotes These inspirational quotes and famous words of wisdom will brighten up your day and make you feel ready to take on anything. In search of meaning, he dived in the self-improvement world, psychology and trail running. While the journey in learning another language takes time and it undoubtedly is filled with obstacles, reading a quote or two sometimes gives us the inspiration we need to continue. She is … All Rights Reserved. Here we have a huge selection of quotes that will surely put a smile on anyone who reads them. 11 Famous Hard Work Quotes About Rewards. I love this pairing of quotation and image (below). and I’d … Before we act, our imaginations often run wild, but when we move forward we often find the path ahead far less daunting than the horrifying version we had created in our minds. Start with a clear vision of your ideal life and happiness, then work backward to achieve it. This is why I find them so interesting and crucial on our paths to success. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Love is a sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock. Here are 20 of my favorite inspirational quotes for business leaders. He could improve if he decided to work harder and cooperate more. We all need a little pick-me-up now and then, especially those who are trying to learn English!And since we’ve been sharing inspirational messages for so long, we’ve collected a few of your favorites for days when you need extra special English learning motivation. If you talk to him in his … Congratulations Quotes Find the best collection of Congratulations quotations, for friends and Family and celebrate SPECIAL OCCASSION in unique way. If only one could tell true love from false love as one can tell mushrooms from toadstools. His goal was to understand his pain, his depression, his fears, his lack of motivation and inspiration. Recommended by Jen J., a third grade teacher in Michigan. Check out this grading system for Senior High Students In Africa. |,, All comments are very useful … We can get many different ways to write a good comments …, Question explain the value of comments written on a child’s work for assessment. " Love is not finding someone to live with, It's finding someone . Good night quotes are a great way to show your loved ones how much you care about them. Again, alluding to the concept that success is formed in the mind before it is manifested in reality. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Please leave a comment with your best inspirational quotes or uplifting words of wisdom – – – I’d love to hear your top picks! Here’s the latest iteration of the list. ( Log Out /  Also check out our selection of quotes about being strong. Identify How to Harness Your Full Potential with my FREE WorkBook. A true optimist, he believed in the value of always giving it your all, no matter what you have or where you are. There’s a special place in my heart for these inspirational words. The wisdom he left behind implies that will power and dedication are just as important as ability. 1. One of the best sources of motivation in the business world is the reward earned. No Comments. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Recently, someone asked if I was still collecting quotes. Here are my favorite inspirational quotes about life: This straight-to-business quote comes from the man who created the happiest place on earth – and a multibillion-dollar empire. Despite it being the most used system historically, there are more modern methods that educational institutions and organizations can use to assess the performance of students. It's just not always that easy to think of a quote for all your classmates to remember you with when you can't even use the same amount of symbols that are in a tweet. Change ). I rejoice I did since I discovered it to be a valuable resource. In this powerful Hasidic proverb, we learn an ancient truth that still holds up in modern times. These quotes about English and about foreign languages can help to give you a new perspective on your studies. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. ( Log Out /  Learn as if you were to live forever. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The power of self-confidence is just as strong today as it was a long time ago. In just five words, he captured the essence of his intellectual philosophy and inspired others to embrace the creative process. This sequel includes great quotes that were left out of the first collection or have been recently discovered. Albert Einstein authored this encouraging and uplifting quote. Imagine that Shakespeare had never lived. download my free guide to staying motivated, Click here to tweet this inspirational quote, Download My FREE Workbook to Identify What Motivates You, Sales Quotes to Motivate Your Team to Sell More Effectively in 2019, get my e-book with 15 questions to ask yourself to stay motivated, Identify How to Harness Your Full Potential with my FREE WorkBook, How to Develop a Positive "Money Mindset", Why I’m “Reinventing Black Friday” - a letter from Brian Tracy, 5 Mistakes to Avoid During Closing Remarks of a Speech, 56 Inspirational Motivational Quotes To Inspire You To Greatness, 19 AWESOME Inspirational Quotes for an Amazing 2020, 14 Proven Sales Strategies to Increase Sales of Your Product, Turn All Your Dreams into Reality With a Personal Development Plan, 7 Leadership Qualities, Attributes & Characteristics of Good Leaders, SMART Goals 101: Examples, A Free Template, And A Quick Worksheet For Writing Them, The Power of Positive Thinking: How Thoughts Can Change Your Life, Free Webinar: How To Write a Book and Become a Published Author, Free Video Series: 3-Part Sales Mastery Training Series, Free Assessment: Discovering Your Talents. I am bookmarking it as well as sharing it on my social networks. Click the link button below to sign up for my daily quotes email that includes many more of my most popular inspirational quotes, delivered to your inbox daily. I’ve also compiled a free e-book of quotes that you can get by clicking the link. Positive words goes a long way in educating a child and building relationships. Personal Success F.D.R. Feeding your mind inspiring quotes daily is a great practice to boost your positivity. The exercise mentioned in this excerpt of my personal development philosophy is one of the keys to gaining clarity for what you really want in life.